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As an Assistant Professor at Lamar University, Weihang Zhu is teaching and is going to teach the following courses:

Fall 2005:
Course # Course Name
ENGR 5312/INEN 4300 Quality Improvment
ENGR 5301/ENGR 4301 Haptics

Spring 2006:
Course # Course Name
INEN Computer Integrated Manufacturing
INEN Manufacturing Automation

Weihang Zhu's course work at NC State University was geared towards a Ph.D degree in Industrial Engineering. With a background of Thermal Energy Engineering, he quickly picked up the knowledge in Industrial Engineering by two years' heavy course work. Fortunately, he survived.

Fall 2000:
Course # Course Name Instructor Course Project
IE 514 Product Engineering Dr Cormier Web-based Database for Assembly Instruction System with VRML & AVI
IE 711 Capital Investment and Economy Analysis Dr Bernhard  
IE 719 CIM Systems Design Dr Young Prototype Web-based Database Design for Assembly Instruction System with Microsoft Access and IDEF
IE 723 Product Planning and Inventory Control Dr Hodgson Forcast and Time Series Regression Analysis of Airlines

Spring 2001:
Course # Course Name Instructor Course Project
IE 715 Manufacturing Process Engineering Dr Sanii Rebuilding Bench-top Injection Molding Machine
IE 716 Automated Systems Engineering Dr Sanii Joint with IE 715
IE 754 Logistics Engineering Dr Kay Supply Chain Design with Vehicle Routing
IE 791A Computer Aided Geometry Design Dr Lee Adaptive Feedrate Control for Surface Machining

Weihang passed his Ph.D Qualifying Exam in Aug 2001, one year after he arrived in USA. IE 514, IE 711, IE 715, IE 716, IE 723 and IE 754 are the six courses for Qualifying exam. His two main fields of study are in Manufacturing and Production Engineering.

Fall 2001:
Course # Course Name Instructor Course Project
IE 762 Computer Simulation Dr Roberts Between Matlab and Arena
CSC 557 Multimedia Computing and Network Dr Reeves  
CSC 591W Launching a Digital Enterprise Dr Williams Wolfbuy E-commerce Website

Spring 2002:
Course # Course Name Instructor Course Project
CSC 562 Computer Graphics Dr Healey Graphics User Interface for Polyhedral Models
IE 543 Musculoskeletal System Dr Mirka A Comparison of a Bent Shovel verses a Straight Shovel: effects on the right and left erectus spinae
IE 791C Advanced Manufacturing Topic Dr Lee Mathematical Modeling and Machined Strip Analysis of Toroidal Endmills for 5-Axis Machining

Weihang finished all his course work with a GPA of 4.0/4.0.
Weihang passed his Ph.D Preliminary Exam in July 2002, two years after he arrived in USA.
Weihang passed his Ph.D final defense Exam in August 2003, three years after he arrived in USA.


(c) 2002, Weihang Zhu
No Pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. -- Helen Keller